The My KWAY App is a great to not only to stay connected with each other, but also a place to pray for each other, read the Bible, Study the Bible, and so much more (and growing)! Download it today

21 things you can (presently) do with the My KWAY App
1. MYKWC – Keep up to date at our My KWC portal
2. CONNECTIONS – Join our own social network – Kingdom Connections
3. CALENDAR – Check our calendar to see what’s coming up
4. CONTACT – Contact Pastor Shawn on the phone, by email or on social media
5. KWC NEWS- Special in-app news items we’ll use for reminders.
6. GIVE – donate financially through our system or contact Pastor Shawn to drop off items for our food bank
7. WATCH LIVE – yes, when we’re live Sundays at 10:00 AM you can watch from our app
8. INTERACT – Interact with our service live with hearts and amens.
9. PRAYER – ask for prayer or pray for others and let them know you’re praying for them.
10. PAST MESSAGES – videos of our past messages… updated as soon as we update our most current message
11. PODCAST – listen to our past messages – this is usually updated before everyone leaves the building.
12. MINISTRY – Discover places we’re inviting people to serve.
13. VIDEO PROJECT – Share your testimony or help with any of our current video projects. Yes…we’ve made it even easier with our app! What’s stopping you?
14. eGROUPS – learn about eGroups, how to start your own and how to join one in process.
15. NEWSLETTER – Are you getting our weekly newsletter? Why not? Sign up today, we usually send out on Thursday morning.
16. EVENTS – register for any events we need to have preregistration for – now easily on our app.
17. WEATHER – Do you need another app to tell you the forecast? Well, we want you spend a lot of time in our app, so here’s one more way to see local weather.
18. READ BIBLE – Read and study the Bible on Bible Gateway from our app.
19. STUDY BIBLE – Go deeper in themes and understanding the context of the Bible with these videos from The Bible Project
20. RIGHT NOW – Browse, Sign up for a free account or download the Right Now App for your best experience using the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies.
21. ACCOUNT – When you sign up for an account we can send you timely message that you need to hear. Sign up today!

Download the My KWAY APP on your Android or Apple iPhone