Pastor Shawn introduces a series on 3 things that will last forever. Faith Hope & Love. is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and...
Gary Meller speaks on Good Friday, reminding us Love and Intimacy should be our highest aspiration is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing...
is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and restoration through a community of honor.
is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and restoration through a community of honor.
The Greatest book ever written is undeniably the Bible. is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and restoration through a community of...
Pastor Shawn shares on the importance of restoring fellowship to those who have left the Church. is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing...
Membership has its rewards and its responsibilitties. is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and restoration through a community of honor...
is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and restoration through a community of honor.
Highway Christian Centre is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and restoration through a community of honor.
is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and restoration through a community of honor.
is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and restoration through a community of honor.
is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and restoration through a community of honor.
is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and restoration through a community of honor.
is a Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada reaching those who need healing and restoration through a community of honor.
Pastor Shawn shares on a second message on Intimacy with God, in Part 5 of his Naked and unashamed series. God takes us how we are! is a Church in Edmonton Alberta...
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