Have you ever felt a subtle nudge, a gut feeling, or an unexplainable sense of peace guiding your decisions? What if I told you that these experiences could be the Holy Spirit speaking to you through the gift of discerning spirits? Partnering with the Holy Spirit in utilizing this powerful gift can transform your life in ways you never imagined. Imagine being able to see beyond the surface, perceive hidden truths, and navigate complex situations with unwavering clarity and wisdom. Learn more with Partnering with Holy Spirit: Utilizing the Gift of Discerning Spirits
Kingdom Way Church – https://KingdomWay.ca is our church in Edmonton, Alberta. Watch us live at https://KWay.live Sundays at 10:00 AM Mountain time. Watch Video on Demand at https://Kway.tv Connect and learn more at https://MyKWC.ca
i want know more about the work of the Holy Spirit
You can learn more here https://kingdomway.ca/?s=Holy+Spirit