Submit to One Another. In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he writes so that they will understand what is their identity in Christ (Ephesians 1—3) and how their walk should reflect their identity (Ephesians 4—6). Starting in Ephesians 5:15, Paul challenges his readers to walk in wisdom, understanding what God wills for believers’ lives They should be filled with Holy Spirit, who already dwells within them. They should be singing, always filled with thankful prayer, and should “submit to one another”. To “submit to one another” is not based on the merits of the other person; rather, they are to submit to one another in the fear of Christ. Learn more in the message Submit to One another.
Kingdom Way Church – is our church in Edmonton, Alberta. Watch us live at Sundays at 10:00 AM Mountain time. Watch Video on Demand at Connect and learn more at
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