Welcome to Kingdom Way Church.
We believe a Church is much more than a social club, we don’t Do Church, as we ARE the Church. Each individual person is placed in the body of Christ just as the Holy Spirit desires. Everyone is different and unique, and we see that as a good thing. Together we have all we need, to do what God has called us to do. We understand no one is perfect, that we all make mistakes, and sometimes we have to live with the consequences. Our purpose is not to judge, but to help each one Develop their Destiny.
Jesus came that we might have Life and have it to the fullest. This does not happen by accident. Everyone of us are on a journey, to discover our purpose. Not only to learn our purpose, but to begin to live it out. To receive all the good things God has in store for us, we need to be intentional.
We are not religious. Someone may be thinking “I thought God invented religion!”
Sorry, but God invented man and man invented religion. God created us for a relationship, so we could get to know Him, not to simply follow a set up rules and regulations. Our highest purpose is to develop intimacy with God.
How do we do this?
Receive His Forgiveness ….
It all begins with acknowledging we have made mistakes. Done things that go against His plans for our lives. Those mistakes have consequences, which only God can make right. We ask Him for forgiveness and He freely gives it.
Make it Public…
The Christian lifestyle is not to be secret. People should know who you are by the Love you show them. The Bible reveals to us the need of a public confession of faith. This is carried out through water baptism, and your testimony.
Holy Spirit…
When Jesus left, He sent Holy Spirit to lead, guide, empower, and comfort the Church. Jesus expects us to do the Supernatural. We can only carry out the Supernatural by allowing Holy Spirit to work in and through us.
It is not God’s expectation that we be perfect in all our decisions. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to gently transform us into our destiny. This process is called discipleship. Discipleship simply means becoming more like Jesus, by making the decisions He would make, & loving the things He would Love. This is a process that lasts a lifetime. The hope is that we are all more like Jesus today than we were yesterday .
As a disciple we are commanded to make other disciples. We are to share what we know, and give them the same opportunity we got, to enter into a relationship with God with gentleness and respect. By building relationships, we earn the right to be heard.
Ministry means service. We are a community, we help one another with what the Father has given us. Every one of your gifts, talents, abilities, and resources has a role in this church. Its our Job to help you discover it and your job to use it!
As much as we know about God, there’s always more to learn. There is a big difference between knowing about God and knowing God. Just like intimacy between a husband and wife, we are invited to develop intimacy with the creator of Heaven and Earth. We can talk with God, know His thoughts and desires, and encounter His Love in a tangible way. There’s always more to discover!
You can learn more now by watching these messages on these topics.