Hello Kingdom Way Family!
After meeting with our leaders we need to let you know, effective immediately we will be suspending our Sunday morning service until April 5, 2020.
It’s our prayer we can gather together in person for Resurrection Sunday, April 12, but we’ll need to address the feasibility of that closer to the date and keep you updated.
In the meantime, all of our gathered events will be taking place online. We have technology we’re testing to make sure it will be more than a broadcast, but an actual community-building time for us.
Our Family Portal Page at https://MyKWC.ca will be the place for quick links to all our gathering online. Check back there often.
More ministry and interaction will be done on our Facebook Page https://kingdomway.ca/facebook Be sure to Like and set to “See First” to be contacted by Facebook when different ministry is taking place.
We plan to be calling or contacting everyone often so if you’d like to help do that, contact Pastor Shawn.
We have a number set up where people who don’t have a computer or smart phone can call in and listen to online service.
Dial-in using your phone: 587-405-1252 Access code: 508 9225
We’ll plan to start this call at 10:00 AM on Sundays. Please let people you think will use this service know.
We’re acting in faith and not fear, knowing everything not done in faith is sin. We’re not only looking for opportunity to grow closer together during this time but we’re looking for ways to bring peace when there is so much fear in the world. #CopewithHope
We know God will empower us to accomplish every good work our faith prompts us to do.
Thank you for remembering to give during this time. You can do it online at https://kingdomway.ca/give/
We will continue to consult and monitor the most up to date advisories from Alberta Health and Health Canada, making adjustments as they advise.
If you have any questions, please refer to our website. It will be updated as new information becomes available.
God Bless, Kingdom Way Pastors
Health Canada, https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html
Alberta Health Services, https://www.alberta.ca/coronavirus-info-for-albertans.aspx
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